Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Review time!!!!!

Rogue in Red Velvet (The Emperors of London, #1)Rogue in Red Velvet by Lynne Connolly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'am very picky on the type of Historical romances I read, but I really enjoyed this book. I felt it was very well written with great detail. Connie is a widow and newly engaged when she runs into Alex, well he runs into her, I really enjoyed how they interact with each other, how they start this frienship of sorts. Alex returns to London and Connie awaits her wedding day. Connie receiving word of her fiance is tricked into going to London where she is betrayed by her fiance Jasper and her reputation is ruined and I mean ruined, well in those times yes. I was shocked how things took place here, I couldn't believe this was happening to her, well it could of gone worse for Connie, but Alex was able to save her.

Alex really is a good man, he stepped up and saved her and took care of her, I really liked Alex, he was not arrogant or full of himself, I thought he might be. Connie was also a good woman, she did not throw herself at Alex and expect him to help and fix all her problems, she was headstrong and brave. She did irritate me a bit with her refusal to be with Alex, she loved him, wanting to be with him but kept turning him down!! Alex really fought for Connie, he did not give up, I worried she would never except him. I really enjoyed this love story and the hot love scenes too!!

Was gifted this ARC by Netgalley for a honest review, thank you.

View all my reviews 53 Letters for My Lover (53 Letters for My Lover, #1)53 Letters for My Lover by Leylah Attar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was gifted to me for a honest review, thank you

I truly loved this story from start to finish, very well written, there was romance, heartache, family, steamy love scenes everything. We get to step into Shayda Hijazi's world, a wife and mother loving her children but not happy in her marriage, she loves her husband but is not in love with her husband never has been, they are both suffering with past demons more him then her.

Troy is a very successfull man in his work and with the ladies. When Shayda and Troy's world collide, literaly he collides into her, there is a spark from the very start, you get to see how they fall in love, how time goes by and they seem to run into each other again. I mean decades go by and there is still something there for both of them, I loved that, how we jumped around in time. Shayda is a woman who struggles from breast cancer to wanting to do the right thing and be faithful but also wants to follow her heart. She's afraid to hurt her children and husband. We get this different culture through Shayda and her family, things are done a certain way. Adultery is some serious stuff to mess with but you can't help but want her to be with Troy and be happy, and take the risks. You see their relationship grow and they open up to each other, Shayda has never been very sexual and you see this other side of her. So much goes on in this book from past to present. The ending was incredible, loved how things worked out. This truly is a beautiful heart felt love story.

View all my reviews

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