Here is my newest review, great book!!!
Breeder by Casey Hays
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I would love to thank the author for gifting me this book for a honest review.
We meet Kate who has been raised in this village where they have a very strict way of life, very wierd beliefs. Every woman has a duty they must live by. Kate has been told that she is to be a breeder, just the word breeder should preety much tell you what she must do. When she turnes sixteen she must go to the pit and do her duty, she fights this, she feels there has to more to this way of life, she wants to be free to make her own choices. I loved Kate, she was strong and brave and so innocent too. There was times she could of just run off and left the village, but she stayed, she wanted to change things for the other woman. It was so sad how the men are treated too. Then she develops this relationship with Ian her breeder, Ian tells her that he is from another village and that theres more out there. She cares for him and wants to help him. Ian is different and has his issues, but I loved Ian and Kate together. There some surprises about Ian and where he is from too. I couldn't put this book down!! Overall I loved this book, hope there will be a next one!! Thanks again.
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Night of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hi, I would like to thank the author for gifting me this book in exchange for a honest review.
When I saw the title of this book it sparked my interest, This isnt my usual genre,but I've heard stories of the chupacabra and said why not. This book did not let me down, we meet Drake and his family traving to San Francisco after the Civil War, when they are attacked by the chupacabra. Drake loses his wife and daughter and is left badly scarred and unrecognizable.
This book was preety fast paced and I was never bored, lots of action, lots of gunfighting. I liked the twist on the chupacabra here, we learn how the chupacabra came to be. Drake has to deal with alot, who also discovers alot in the small town he ends up at. The town is not very welcoming and dislike strangers, the sheriff was something else. I was a little sad with the ending, after everything Drake went through and now that. But overall great story. Thanks again.
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What Tomorrow May Bring by Tony Bertauski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I want to thank Never too old for YA & NA and the authors for gifting me this box set for a honest review :)
There are some great books is this set. This review is about Open minds by Susan Kaye Quinn, I didnt know what to expect when I started reading this. Crazy to live in a world where everyone can read each others mind and your considered a zero for not being able too. Thats what Kira is living through, she has it preety rough her only friend is Raf, he is popular and doesnt care what anyone thinks, he there for her. While studing one eveing Kira accidently uses her mind and hurts Raf, she doesnt know how she did it and feels horrible. Thens steps in Simon who can help her, Kira and Simon are different, he is there for her too, but theres a price. Kira cant tell anyone whats going on with her not even her best friend Raf. Simon is a bad boy and is hiding things from Kira. I really loved Kira, she is a strong character, she had to do some incredible things to escape some bad situations. What I really hated, was what happend to Simon WOW!! WHY???, I had a love hate relationship with him. Raf was a great friend and he put up with alot from Kira. :)
Next review is for The Moon Dwellers by David Estes. I've been wanting to read this series for a while and just hadnt gotten around to it, boy was I missing out. We are introduced to this world where everyone lives deep under ground, everyone is broken up into three classes Sun, Moon and star dwellers, Sun dwellers are the highest and most powerful. Adele was a moon dweller, her parents were accused for treason and she is in prison, one day she is watching a parade where the Presidents son Tristan is on and they make eye contact and something happens they both experience a painfull pull, both donot know why it happened. Tristan hates how things are, how his father abuses his power. Tristan and his best friend Roc decide to run away to figure out why he felt what he felt for Adele. Adele and her two new friends decide to escape. So much is going on with the two main characters, I loved that we get both their POVs. Both are bad ass and can take care of themselves. Adele wants to rescue her family and Tristan wants to help her too. I loved their connection. I was kinda worried that they were never actually going to meet. One thing is we never find out much on their connection on why it happens. I guess I'll have to read the next book ;) Really loved Tristan's and Roc's relationship too!! Great start to a series!!!
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Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was such an incredible series, Laini Taylor gave us this beautifully written series. Such well written characters. So much was going on, I was worried how this book was going to end. Like on pg. 612 " It was not a happy ending, but a happy middle-at last, after so many fraught beginnings." Loved it. Loved Karou and Akiva, they suffered so much, separately and together. So many of the characters grew in this book, fierce Liraz how she changed for the better, then there is Ziri, he was such a great character too. An incredible and beautiful series!!! :) If you have not read this series and looking for something well written, different with a beautiful love story this is your series!!!! The cover beautiful!! All the covers to this series beautiful arts of work. First in the series Daughter of Smoke and bone.
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