I would like to thank the group We love YA Books and the author Kimberly Loth for gifting
me this book for an honest review!!!!
Oh My Dear Kaiser Wilhelm Roses!!! PHEW! I surely hope I
spelled that right!!!*giggles* I enjoyed reading this book so much, like a lot,
I was concern about the kissing part thought!
I do not like boy’s cooties or any germs(*herpes, “cold
sores”), well I was thinking of a product placement in between, Chap stick, or
the new lip balm in shape of an egg(I do not own one! L, *whispering*- ”I think they look weird”)… Well, where can I find a
guy that comes in the middle of the night, keeps me safe and kisses me like we
are about to sink down with the Titanic? And no I am referring about Jack or
Leonardo Di Caprio, I am talking about the only and mysterious Kai, that boy is
like an ice cream in the middle of the Mojave Dessert…..
Naomi meets a new girl at school, Ruth, finally someone that Naomi could talk to, at least she had a friend, but of course the Crusaders of God, and by that I mean, good-for-nothing Dwayne Yerdin had to keep tabs on his propriety, and by propriety I mean Naomi. (For God sake’s, who arranges marriages nowadays?) Well Dwayne according to Naomi’s Father is her fiancée… Really! Can THAT girl get a break!!!
The wedding date gets pushed to an early date, the parents found that the letters from aunt Ginny are missing, then the punishment and then surprise, surprise “the cops”, so Naomi’s parents pull out a Bonnie and Clyde deal minus the bank robbery and more of the killing part….. SHOCKING!! Of course, Child Protective Services made an appearance so I was like about time that poor girl gets rescue, but who I am kidding it’s Child Protective Services, they are just going to dumped her in a foster home, maybe Ruth’s, naaaaaw, not even close….. The Yerdin’s……..
I am like Hell NOOOOOO, TO THE NOOOOOOOO! Oh well, Naomi’s scape and Kai, came to the rescue. *sigh*
Well Naomi gets to scape and seek refuge at Aunt Ginny’s but of course this girl, comes from the bunnies, like literally has not clue of the real danger in the real world, like come on didn’t you eavesdrop at school…. Well who am I to judge…. So we finally met Aunt Ginny and then Ricky, which I did not like her at the beginning but later on the story she grew on me, anyways there were some new characters introduce, Alejandro, he was funny and I could see him as an uncle figure for Naomi, then Jason was like a cousin and then not so much a nice relative, so at last Puck, but for some reason his name reminds me of a mischievous fairy in Avalon, oh well, he is very mature and then he completely turns bipolar and then…..

Yeah sorry Puck, I like you but it just did not work for me, those mood changes were hard to keep up with.
Well I truly liked the story, it had a love triangle which was not so much of a triangle and the paranormal side of the story was enough to keep my attention into the development of the story, I love anything that has angels and the divine, so I am kind of bias! Kissed kept me absorbed into the narrative of the story, I felt confused with Puck and Kai, those two are similar but so different, and Naomi completely shocked me with her decision after hell broke loose with her parents, and I felt like watching the Bachelor and giving the final rose to the wrong person, but at the last minute Naomi chose who I thought was perfect from kiss #1…..
I really hope that the author will continue with this series, that triangle has to be more challenging than that…. And Ricky and Jason come on there has to be something there, right? And what about Puck? Ginny and Alejandro? And Naomi? And do I will see Kai becoming a Sith or a Jedi? (*There is nothing about Star wars in the story!) But Kai reminds me of a young Jedi!!!!
Overall A Good Read!!!
Turning Curse by A.. C. Harrah
I would like to express my gratitude towards the group David Estes Fans and YA Books Lovers and the author A. C. Harrah for giving me the honor to read this book for an honest review!
Ok, let's start with the confession that when I started this book I was like great another male point of view, why do I keep doing stuff like this, I would slap myself but I am so vain that I do not feel like hurting my skin and less my gorgeous face, what if I meet my frog prince, I mean my own prince Liam….
Ok, it feels so good to let that out of my chest!!!
And I can openly said that I am so fortunate to read this, because it was just perfect, not Disney fairytale perfect, but this story was executed better than I originally thought, it had everything on it, romance, friendship, vengeance, violence, seduction, caring, cruelty, it was full of great twists and incredible narrative, I did not only got one centered perspective but many sides of the story, for a moment I felt like I was watching my favorite novela (Note: I am Hispanic and I am still into Novelas, you should look at my face when I am watching Univision, you'll get a good laugh out of my facial expressions), I couldn't just finish a chapter without wanting to read the next and the next, I barely got any sleep, not that I am complaining, no way, it was a challenge, I needed, craved and desired to read more about Liam and mostly because I wanted to see if he got what he surely was lacking off and oh my dear rana and castles and ponds and rings and horses and brothers and balls and jeez…… I couldn't get enough, I need rehab, a vacation, better a boat ride…. Or a trip or a well.
Liam was just the jerk guy you meet at the bar, who does not give a …. You know what…. About what others think or expect of him, his honesty and bluntness got him into the slimy situation he put himself to, but I should said that it was not fair but I am glad it happened.
Cordelia was, oh baby Jesus, an spoiled brat, who was very upset after rejection, but I admired her strength and very feminist side of her, I should applaud to her when she stood for herself against her parents, wow! And it takes guts to admit that you f-up…. And there is no way to fix it!
Gabrielle, oh that poor child, I was so moved towards her and how the author introduced her to us, she became like a friend to me, and then I just loved her, I could have imagined her with Liam but then again Cordelia's feelings toward Liam gotten in the way….
Alan, awe, the misfit brother, the baby brother, who gets no kingdom, well I can relate to him a little bit, and I tried to sympathize with him but I thought of him more of a very jealous, invidious, and even ambitious pal than a compassionate one, well he kind of redeems himself and then I warmed towards him a tiny bit…..
Riona, oh this girl seriously needed a good security guards a 24/7, for a moment I thought I was watching Jerry Springer….. I wanted to cut someone's testicles, for god sake's what a disturbed mind. Poor Riona!
Anyways, the frog turns into hero, the witch finds redemption, the second son still has not what his heart desires, the king got his son back but there were a lot of untold, so now I get to speculate what is going to happen next….
Thank you for the read!!!
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