My rating: 4 of 5 stars
From the very beginning I was hooked. I really didn't feel like they were aliens it felt more like Games of Thrones, Vaan being the Khal Drogo and Mikayla being the Daanerys Targaryen except with dark hair and no eyebrows, I loved it!!! The story takes off right away with Vann the Overlord and his Warlords being accused of murder and they are poisoned, but things aren't quite what they seem and with help of his mother his fellow warlords and Vaan have been put to a deep sleep instead. Things do not go as planned and Vaan and his Warlords have been asleep longer then anticipated. They are awaken later by Mikayla, here things get very interesting and funny. So Mikayla has just woken up the famous Overlord and his fellow Warlords and needs to marry one of them to help her people, she is desperate. and is way over her head when she ends up choosing Vaan. They are so different, she is Raasa and he is Kabanian and the two do not usually mix and most definitely do not mate.
I really loved Mikayla she loved her people and took care of them, she was sweet, strong, brave and really, really worked to make her union with Vaan work. Vaan very set in his ways and was used to having the woman do what he asked and not question anything, even though he was a bit of a caveman he really tried to protect Mikayla and her people and wanted to truly help. I couldn't believe the whole kissing and intimacy issues they delt with, it was so hilarious. The other warlords were also great and badass too. Towards the end of the book, you see this shift in their attitudes towards Mikayla they protect her. Then you see Vaan really learn to love and give his heart to Mikayla and really love her, it was great. The only issue I had there was a few editing issues that I ran into, but that was it. Great read!!!!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I want to thank Michelle Howard for gifting me this book for a honest review
I was so excited to be contacted to read this!!! But first I went and read the first book so I would not be lost while reading this book, loved the first book. So this is the second installment to the Overlord series and this book takes place where book one ended. Mikayla is very pregnant and almost due to have the baby. Everyone hovers over her especially Vaan and his Warlords, she is very emotional and very crabby. Vaan is so worried that she is over doing it, in his land Kabanian woman are mostly on bed rest during pregnancy, but not the Raasa woman.
Mikayla hates how everyone fusses over her and is not able to do a lot. When Vaan reveals news to her that he must travel to his land she is upset and worried. You know nothing good is going to come out with him leaving. So he is gone maybe one day when all hell breaks loose and Mikayla's home is attacked and she is almost killed. Then things get even worse when she goes into labor. I do not want to spoil what happens here. All and All a great little read. I did feel it was a little bit short compared to the first book. But loved it anyway!! I really hope Michelle Howard will continue with this series, especially with the other Warlords. Thanks again
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